- Reply to the CADTH Health Technology Review on Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolisms during the COVID-19 pandemic (Published October 2, 2020)
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- Quality Control in the Production of Radiopharmaceuticals
Advances have led to the production of new radiopharmaceuticals and availability of new production routes. Various new diagnostic agents in the field (such as Ga-68 radiopharmaceuticals and generators) as well as therapeutic agents (such as alpha emitters) have been added to the clinician’s menu. It is essential that radiopharmaceuticals are prepared within a robust quality control system encompassing materials and personnel, with adequate documentation, and continuous review of ongoing results. This publication provides guidelines and best practices for the quality control of medical radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. It was written by a group of experts with experience across a range of radiopharmaceuticals and is intended to support professionals in the preparation of good quality and safe products to be used in nuclear medicine procedures.
- Final Report by the Waiting Time Alliance for Timely Access to Health Care
Forty years ago, Canada decided that relative medical necessity rather than relative ability to pay should be the factor determining access to the health care system. This principle of access has been widely accepted and, indeed, is included in legislation. But while the principle of accessi-bility has been protected by legislation, the notion of time-ly access has never been explicitly recognized. Today, we find many Canadians worried about wait times and won-dering about the sustainability of the promise of reasonable access. Not surprisingly, the number 1 public policy issue for Canadians has become “timely access to care.” Read more....
- Rapport final de l'Alliance sur les temps d'attente pour l'accès aux soins de santé en temps opportun
Il y a 40 ans, le Canada a décidé que le facteur déterminant de l’accès au système de santé devait être la nécessité médi-cale relative plutôt que la capacité relative de payer. Ce principe d’accès est généralement accepté et est en fait inté-gré dans la loi. Or, même si la loi protège le principe de l’accessibilité, on n’a jamais reconnu explicitement le con-cept de l’accès en temps opportun. Aujourd’hui, les temps d’attente préoccupent beaucoup de Canadiens qui s’inter-rogent au sujet de la viabilité de la promesse d’accès raisonnable. «L’accès aux soins en temps opportun» est devenu le grand enjeu des politiques publiques pour les Canadiens, ce qui n’est pas étonnant. Read more.... 
- Bone Density Wait Times

- Bone Scan Wait Time

- Cardiac Wait Times
